In here lies the outputs I poured my effort and heart out, not only because it needed to be done, but also because I love creating any form of art. It gives me pleasure. And it makes me happy and accomplished.
Here are some news articles I have written when
I was a part of the school’s editorial board.

Here are some essays I have written for both
academic and personal purposes.
BILLIE: Resolute Protector
I could not take my eyes off Billie Hakenson from the moment I saw her. Maybe it’s because of her hair, makeup, outfit, beauty, anything that is physical… But no, it was not those. A captivating aura that apprises she is one of a kind is what naturally drove me to support her from that […]
Philosophy: I will transform you.
Philosophy does not only improve you but transforms you. It is essential to learn as it provides knowledge, deeper understanding, awareness about the essence of everything, and encouragement to apply it in our daily life. When we say improvement, it only tackles about one or two parts of our identity. Maybe we improve in knowledge […]
Stop Stereotyping
“Labels are for filing. Labels are for clothing. Labels are not for people.” -Martina Navratilova In today’s modern society, people especially the youth seem to have a habit of giving labels or stereotyping all aspects such as race and ethnicity, culture, gender, and other forms of social stratification. However, we fail to see that this […]
The Treasure Behind Philosophy
Most of the time, we are already contented with what we see on the surface. We fail to look into the essence of digging deeper to find a worthy treasure. Thus, it is what Philosophy is all about. Philosophy came from the Greek word, ‘philosophia’ which means ‘love of wisdom.’ It seems a deep phrase, […]
Here are some songs I have written, arranged, and sung
for both academic and personal purposes.
Le Réal
Dalhin Mo 'Ko sa Mars